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We help Solo Estheticians grow their business through community, resources and support.


The Ultimate Guide: How Estheticians Can Provide Exceptional Summer Skincare to Their Client

The Ultimate Guide: How Estheticians Can Provide Exceptional Summer Skincare to Their Clients

June 18, 20244 min read

The Ultimate Guide: How Estheticians Can Provide Exceptional Summer Skincare to Their Clients


As an esthetician, your role extends beyond providing routine skincare treatments. During the summer months, your clients' skin requires specialized care to combat the effects of increased sun exposure, heat, and humidity. In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore the essential steps and tips to help you deliver exceptional skincare services tailored to the unique needs of your clients during the summer season. Get ready to elevate your esthetician skills and provide your clients with a refreshing and rejuvenating summer skincare experience.

1. Conduct a Thorough Skin Analysis

Begin each summer skincare session by conducting a comprehensive skin analysis. Assess your clients' skin type, condition, and any specific concerns they may have. Pay close attention to signs of sun damage, dehydration, and increased oiliness. This analysis will serve as the foundation for customizing their summer skincare regimen.

The Ultimate Guide: How Estheticians Can Provide Exceptional Summer Skincare to Their Clients

2. Cleanse and Exfoliate to Remove Impurities

With increased sweat and sebum production during summer, it's crucial to start each treatment with a thorough cleanse. Use a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, sweat, and sunscreen residue. Follow up with an exfoliation step to slough off dead skin cells and promote a brighter complexion. However, be cautious not to over-exfoliate, as this can lead to sensitivity and irritation.

The Ultimate Guide: How Estheticians Can Provide Exceptional Summer Skincare to Their Clients

3. Hydrate and Replenish Moisture Levels

Summer heat can cause the skin to become dehydrated and lose moisture. Incorporate hydrating products containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid and aloe vera into your treatments. These ingredients replenish and lock in moisture, promoting a hydrated and plump complexion. Consider offering a hydrating mask or a facial massage using a hydrating serum to give your clients an extra boost of moisture.

The Ultimate Guide: How Estheticians Can Provide Exceptional Summer Skincare to Their Clients

4. Sun Protection is Non-Negotiable

Educate your clients about the importance of daily sun protection. Recommend a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF to shield their skin from harmful UV rays. Encourage the use of sunscreen even on cloudy days, as UV rays can still penetrate through the clouds. Stress the significance of reapplication throughout the day, especially if they spend prolonged periods outdoors.

The Ultimate Guide: How Estheticians Can Provide Exceptional Summer Skincare to Their Clients

5. Address Hyperpigmentation and Sunspots

Help your clients combat the appearance of hyperpigmentation and sunspots caused by sun exposure. Incorporate brightening ingredients like vitamin C, niacinamide, and licorice extract into your treatments. These ingredients help fade existing pigmentation and prevent further discoloration, promoting a more even skin tone.

The Ultimate Guide: How Estheticians Can Provide Exceptional Summer Skincare to Their Clients

6. Combat Excess Oil and Acne Breakouts

Heat and humidity can lead to increased oil production and acne breakouts. Incorporate oil-controlling products with ingredients like salicylic acid and tea tree oil into your treatments. These ingredients help regulate sebum production, unclog pores, and reduce the occurrence of breakouts. Recommend lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizers to keep the skin hydrated without adding excess oil.

The Ultimate Guide: How Estheticians Can Provide Exceptional Summer Skincare to Their Clients

7. Soothe and Calm Sun-Exposed Skin

For clients with sunburned or sensitive skin, prioritize soothing and calming treatments. Incorporate ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile, and cucumber extract into your treatments to reduce redness, inflammation, and discomfort. Offer cooling facials or incorporate a gentle facial massage to provide relief and promote skin healing.

The Ultimate Guide: How Estheticians Can Provide Exceptional Summer Skincare to Their Clients

8. Encourage a Healthy Skincare Routine at Home

Empower your clients to maintain their summer skincare results by recommending a consistent skincare routine at home. Provide them with personalized product recommendations based on their skin type and concerns. Emphasize the importance of cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and applying sunscreen daily. Educate them on the benefits of using targeted serums and masks to address specific concerns.

The Ultimate Guide: How Estheticians Can Provide Exceptional Summer Skincare to Their Clients


As an esthetician, you have the power to provide exceptional skincare services that address your clients' unique needs during the summer months. By customizing your treatments and product recommendations to combat increased sun exposure, dehydration, and other summer-specific challenges, you can help your clients achieve radiant, healthy, and protected skin throughout the season. Stay informed, stay innovative, and continue to exceed your clients' expectations with tailored summer skincare solutions. Embrace the transformative potential of your expertise and help your clients enjoy a summer with skin that glows with vitality.


Bushbalm Pro Promo Codes


In the world of skincare, professional estheticians play a crucial role in providing specialized treatments and products to their clients. Bushbalm Skincare, a company founded in 2016 by Tim Burns and co-founded by David Gaylord, recognizes the importance of supporting and empowering licensed estheticians. With a focus on the bikini area, Bushbalm has gained recognition for its unique products and commitment to the professional channel. This blog explores how Bushbalm is revolutionizing the industry by offering exclusive products and expanding its back-bar offerings for estheticians.


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We understand the importance of having the right tools and resources. If you’re not yet a member of our group, we urge you to join our Facebook community of over 90,000 esthetics professionals worldwide to connect, learn, and grow together. Together, let's elevate the esthetics industry and thrive in our passion for beauty and wellness.

All the Best,


Founder, The Solo Esthetician

SummerAcneSun SpotsDark SpotsHydrationSkincare Routine
KimBella, Owner & CEO of The Solo Esthetician™


KimBella, Owner & CEO of The Solo Esthetician™

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Managing your social media alone? Consider expert content creation specialists for a strong online presence. Contact The Solo Team for help with social media, website, and more. For assistance with social media, website maintenance, and other related needs, reach out to us today. We have the expertise in content creation, beauty expertise, and graphic design, providing a comprehensive solution to enhance your online visibility.

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Aspiring Estheticians Building Solo Careers

KimBella and The Solo Esthetician extend a warm invitation to join their monthly webinar. It promises to be an inspiring voyage of self-discovery and professional development for all aspiring estheticians. Whether you're a recent graduate, an experienced professional venturing into solo practice, or seeking to enhance your current practice, this webinar is tailored to equip you with essential tools and insights for a successful journey.

The Solo Esthetician

Recommended Resources

Explore the top esthetician resources recommended by The Solo Esthetician in the skincare industry.


Skin Script RX

Skin Script Skin Care was created by aestheticians, for aestheticians. Our mission is to provide great products and education so our aestheticians prosper and succeed.

Our 3 pillars are amazing professional products, excellent customer service that is friendly and fast, as well, as quality education at an approachable price. To assist in furthering your success, Skin Script has no minimum spending requirements. Learn more here.



Bushbalm is a skincare brand that solves common skin challenges that aren't often talked about, and we're proud of it! We have an evolving natural skincare product line - specifically, but not limited to, targeting areas that are commonly ignored. Think bikini line, underarms, legs, tush, or anywhere else on the body that deserves extra care. Learn more here.



As the only exclusively licensed esthetician association, Associated Skin Care Professionals provides membership that empowers you to reach your skin pro goals by delivering quality education, innovative business solutions, and skin care insurance. Learn more here.


National Coalition of Estheticians Association

Advance your career by getting the NCEA Certified credential. Maintaining your NCEA Certified credential demonstrates your commitment to advancing competency standards, and promoting the best possible outcomes to minimize consumer risk. Learn more here.


360 Aesthetics Devices

At 360 Aesthetic Devices, we offer top-notch skincare equipment to combat aging and targeted fat reduction. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity, and those pesky signs of aging start to show. Ready to give your clients the transformation they've been dreaming of? Click here to fill out their contact form.

Office: Atlanta, GA

Site: www.thesoloesthetician.com


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